Save up to 25% a single or course of Chemical Peel treatments
One of the most popular non-invasive cosmetic techniques is a chemical peel. These can really help give a boost to the skin of the face, hands and neck to rejuvenate and improve texture. They can also be very effective in treating acne and acne scarring.
- Any Chemical Peel – 25% off (single or course)
- Subject to Terms & Conditions
*Terms & Conditions
Skin Peels – 25% off (single of course)
- Standard TDP terms and conditions apply – see
- Offer available to all clients
- This offer is non-transferable and cannot be substituted by the client for any other products, cash alternative or other treatment.
- Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer, promotion or pre-applied discount.
- Booking for a consultation must be made by an adult over 18.
- Skin preparation for new clients may be required. This will be discussed during consultation.
- Offer available at selected clinics where the treatment is available.
- Promotional period runs from 1-31 December 2022
- Aesthetic Nurse or Practitioner appointments only